We are still here!

Did you miss us sisters? We have decided to resume our Relief Society blog so that you can stay on top of our activities and announcements! If you don't want to miss anything(which, trust me, you WON'T)...type your email in the box to the right and you will be notified every time there is a new post!

On with the announcements...

If you have not heard, our activity for October is "Adopt a kit" night. We have cleaned out the closet of many unfinished humanitarian hygiene and school kits, and sent them home with the sisters to "adopt" or complete during the month of September. Then, on the night of October fifth we will gather the kits and have a fun social (with treats of course!) to celebrate an empty shelf in the relief society closet! The unfinished kits went like hot cakes on Sunday, so if you did not get a chance to adopt one, you could still create one of your own if you feel moved to do so! Or if you have other things lying around you house that could go inside a kit, i am sure that we could find a place for them as well! Here are the lists for what goes inside the kits!

Hygiene Kit:

2 Unbreakable combs (no sharp handles)
4 Toothbrushes (packaged)
1 tube of toothpaste (6–8 oz., no pumps)
2 bars of soap (approximately 4 to 5 oz.)
2 hand towels (use new 15-inch by 25-inch hand towels. please no towels or washcloths.)
Hand towels may also be sewn. To sew towels, use terry cloth to make 15-inch by 25-inch hand towels. Serge or zigzag edges securely to prevent fraying.

School Kit:
4 unsharpened pencils**

1 pencil sharpener
1 box pre-sharpened or unsharpened assorted colored pencils (approximately 7" long, about 12 pencils to a box)
1 pair blunt-nosed scissors with metal blades
1 rubber pencil eraser (approximately 1" by 2")
1 straight edge ruler not to exceed 12", with metric measurements
450 pages of paper in glued or spiral-bound notebooks or letter-size legal pads, all with lined sheets. Sheet sizes 8 1/2" by 11", 8" by 10 1/2", and 8 1/2" by 11 1/2" are acceptable (no more than 6 notebooks or pads per kit).

**we still have many pencils left, so you wont need to buy those!

We look forward to being able to donate so many kits! Thank you sisters for your generosity!